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How to maintain your form during restrictions?

For the second time in a relatively short time, tennis friends are sitting at home and eagerly awaiting the start of the outdoor season. We are asking how to survive this waiting time from a former top player and today’s top coach. MyGames asks, Mait Künnap answers: How to maintain your form during restrictions?

Whenever you want to achieve something, you have to set a goal. The goal can be different for everyone. Some want to lose weight, others want to improve endurance, a third wants to increase muscle mass, and so on.

A specific goal keeps you motivated and you always know what you’re doing, how much you’re doing and what you want to achieve with each move. Without a goal, the process becomes chaotic, which obstructs development and achievement of the goal.

In order to achieve your goal, I always recommend sitting down with a specialist in your field and setting goals. This makes the process more enjoyable and systematic. If you don’t have a specialist right now, you should just think for a moment about what you want to achieve with the next workout before pulling on your sneakers.

There are not any restrictions on individual training at home or in the fresh air. Of course, except for corona restrictions. The Internet is full of educational videos and anyone who wants to keep fit can do so. Everyone just has to find a suitable activity.

In cooperation with the Estonian Olympic Committee, the Association for Sport for All and the Sport Health Innovation Cluster SportEST, 12 training videos have been completed, where you can get acquainted with versatile exercise resources.

You can find the videos here…